Helping existing professionals and students going into the medical field become our community heroes of tomorrow.

Healthcare Student Sustainability

We offer scholarship support to students in need who are going into the healthcare profession. In addition to financial support, we also offer coaching, mentorship, and professional guidance.


Assisting Heroes in Need

Geli’s Sunshine Project also offers assistance and support to existing healthcare professionals in need. We often forget that our existing healthcare heroes can also go through difficult times. Our foundation is here to show our heroes that they are not alone.


Come to Our Events and Help Make a Difference

Geli’s Sunshine Project is committed to making a difference in our communities and helping our healthcare heroes in need. Please visit our events calendar for further details and volunteer opportunities.


Come join us for our Dia de Los Muertos Fundraiser event.  November 2 at 6PM.  At the Parkhouse in Shady Trails community, Fontana, CA.  To RSVP and purchase tickets, contact […]

A concrete help for the causes

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Recurring donations 45%
One-time donations 86%

All Our Latest News & Updates

Helping students going into the medical field and existing healthcare heroes in need.

19 May

Our Purpose

This organization was established in 2022 to celebrate and honor the life of Angelica & Baby Isabella. Angelica worked tirelessly to become a Registered Nurse to serve her community and provide care for others. Geli’s Sunshine Project continues her legacy of serving others by bringing light and hope to those in need.


29 May

Helping The Community

Geli’s Sunshine project is dedicated to increasing the level of care in our communities through raising awareness, education, and by putting your generous donations to work by helping those in need.


29 May

News & Articles

We want to thank all our family, friends, and even complete strangers who have given us support during our time of need. We would also like to recognize the Board members of Geli’s Sunshine Project for their dedication and commitment to keeping Angelica and Baby Isabella’s memory alive. Our commitment to giving back to others in need is a tribute to how our daughter lived her life.