It’s been nearly a year since you’re passing and it still shocks us to our core to know that you and Isabella were taken from us way too soon. Not a day has gone by that we don’t think of you and Izzy or look for signs that reinforce that you are there with us. We always find ourselves fighting back the tears every time we see a picture or memory that reminds us of what an amazing person we raised. Our hearts ache knowing you both are not here as we ponder what your life could have or should have been.
This year we would have been celebrating your 27th birthday, the purchase of your first home, and your marriage to Anthony. We can only imagine what your various pregnancy milestones would have looked like, as Baby Isabella grew in your belly, and how much joy that would have brought to the family. As parents we wanted to teach you how to be a good human being, a responsible adult, kind, loving, strong, independent woman, and as always you exceeded our expectations. You became that and so much more and we could not have asked for a better daughter. Also, Isabella could not have asked for a better mother and we know you are caring for her in heaven.
You taught us how to love unconditionally and you were the best big sister your brothers could have ever asked for. You were a ray of sunshine through difficult times and your smile and laughter would always make our day. You and Isabella were taken too soon… but we know God has a plan for us, and that is why we will keep your legacy alive. This is the reason we established Geli’s Sunshine Project to help others in need. We hope to make you as proud as you made us. As difficult as it is, we promise to live life to the fullest and not let our grief consume us. We are thankful for the 26 years that God lent you to us and we cherish all the memories we made during this time.
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